Hezbollah Disneyland

Mleeta, also known as ‘Hezbollah Disneyland’ or (more officially) ‘Hezbollah’s War Museum’, is a controversial tourist site in Lebanon. Operated by Hezbollah, the Shi’a Islamist political party and militant group, Mleeta offers visitors insight into the organization’s perspective on its role in recent Lebanese history, particularly during conflicts with Israel.

The museum, located around 45 kilometres south of Beirut, is built on a former military base. You walk through the preserved battlefield, complete with trenches, bunkers, and rusted weaponry. Exhibits showcase remnants of Israeli military equipment, including drones and tanks, allegedly destroyed or abandoned during conflicts.

One of the most iconic displays is the ‘Path of Martyrs’, a trail surrounded by uniformly shaped rocks representing Hezbollah fighters who died during the 2006 war.

While Mleeta provides an intriguing glimpse into the perspectives and tactics of Hezbollah, it’s essential to remember that it represents a one-sided view of complex regional conflicts.